Anonymous Sexual Assault Help Line: 1(800) 461-2929
PROGRAMS & SERVICES: Counselling Services
How can I get connected with counselling services?
You can self-refer for counselling services. Get started by calling or texting to set up an intake appointment.
We have just begun serving men and male-identified survivors. We are also a proud member of the Muskoka and Area Male Survivor Network. We can support you to access this network with referrals and information.
MPSSAS provides supportive, trauma informed feminist counselling and therapy services that are confidential, non-judgmental, and client-centered. We work from an anti-racist and anti-oppressive framework which recognizes how privilege and oppression intersect for individuals. Counselling is available to all survivors (of all genders) who have experienced sexual violence, regardless of whether or not they choose to report this abuse to the police. Issues that can be explored during counselling and therapy sessions include:
childhood sexual abuse
historical and recent sexual assault
acquaintance or relationship sexual violence
sexual harassment
sexual assault of another (e.g. your child)
impacts of sexual assault trauma
all services are free!
learn more about
how we work
Contacting us for the first time?
Our confidential and anonymous Sexual Assault Help Line and Chat service are available 24/7. When you call, you will reach a trained volunteer who will provide support from an empowerment-based, non-judgemental approach which recognizes the strength of all survivors.
We offer crisis support and short-term counselling to provide immediate intervention, information on coping strategies, and referrals to other supports. Appointments are usually made within 5-10 business days of contact. We try to provide resources and support through the waiting period including information, telephone support and referrals.
What if I am in crisis?
Need anonymous help now?
learn all about
Sexual Assault Intervention
for Living Program
We have a robust 4-stage group counselling program for survivors called Sexual Assault Intervention for Living (SAIL) that has been a huge support in the healing journey of many MPSSAS clients.
Can I access group counselling supports?
Important to Know
Through the pandemic, MPSSAS has been considered an essential service. Our programs continue to run and are being delivered virtually and in person.
If you need help accessing services with us via phone or online programs, please let us know. We can assist you to access technology and other resources that connect you to our services.
Need support accessing technology?
We can assist participants experiencing barriers
to participating because of technology!
Contact your group facilitator for more information.
Curious about Virtual Service Delivery?
When we work from home, we are always working hard to maintain your privacy and confidentiality.
Our laptops are password protected and your data is saved on a secure server, not on our computers. We always work in a private area away from others.